Inspiration requires Execution – 5 ways to take your inspiration and make it a reality

Inspiration so often falls on deaf ears. It’s similar to all the inventors who have gone to their graves with yet another great idea that was never acted upon. Inspiration is similar. What causes lack of execution? It may be a host of things from inability to recognize inspiration to paralysis driven by fear or even a sense of overwhelm looking at the abyss of the unknown.

I want to share the 5 keys to assist you in recognizing and effectively executing on your inspiration.

  1. Listen and look – I have been an avid sailor since I was 11 years old. I learned early in life that on a sailboat, you have to listen and look for a number of factors. The water, the wind, the team, the sails, other boats and several other factors. The same holds true in business. When you are inspired you need to first listen to yourself and recognize what the inspiration is and means. Often people will dismiss inspiration as a fleeting moment and never actually hear it.

Once inspired you need to look around; gauge the business environment and position yourself to take advantage of the opportunity. Inspiration can cause some to be fearful, let’s face it…unchartered waters can be a bit daunting. However, when you are equipped with the right tools, knowledge and skillset, there’s nothing to be afraid of except fear itself.

  1. Be Accountable – Who are you accountable to? As entrepreneurs, the saying, “It’s lonely at the top” is accurate. When you are only accountable to yourself, it is easy to make excuses or justify why things didn’t happen or why things didn’t go your way. I suggest that you find someone else or create your own mentorship board. These are the individuals that you are accountable to on a weekly or monthly basis. When you choose these individuals, make sure they are committed to holding your feet to the fire. I also recommend having consequences for not delivering on the action items you commit to completing. The best consequence typically hits one in the pocket book…don’t pay your accountability partner, instead write the check to a charity.
  1. Empower & Motivate – On a sail boat, just as in a company, you have to not only get a team excited but you have to empower them. Empowerment comes with a level of trust and commitment that is unprecedented. When you look to embody empowerment at an elite, championship level, then you will create a team that is truly world class. That’s how we view it when sailing. I have sailed numerous races and in some daunting conditions, but the one thing I always knew was that the team that was assembled was not only empowered but had a level of trust far deeper than any superficial relationship. It is this deeper than deep empowerment combined with true, pure excitement that creates sustainable results. I’m not talking about exuberance, I’m referring to pure unbridled passion that comes out as ultimate motivation. It is a level of passion far greater than one person or one product. It is the embodiment of a movement, the essence of a company.
  1. Communicate – Communication is a word that is often diluted in the corporate world today. In the purest form, it means to give or interchange thoughts, feelings or information. I prefer to call it Clean and Clear Communication. When sailing, communication must be decisive and clear, especially when facing dire conditions or uncertain situations. The same applies in business. The most effective teams rely upon clean and clear communication which leaves no room for speculation or ambiguity. If you make this a commitment every day in every way, you will create a team and a company that respects one another and from what I have experienced, becomes more efficient.
  1. Be Decisive & Take Risks – This is certainly applicable to sailing. When charting a course, one must be decisive and on a sail boat, you must always be willing to take a risk. I prefer to call it calculated risks as it pertains to business. I look at the risk and reward level and grade it on a scale to determine the risk tolerance I am willing to endure. Once I reach a specific threshold, I am decisive in my moves and commit the necessary resources, both human capital and financial resources, to move forward. The key is to stay the course once you have made that decision yet make the adjustments necessary as the environment changes around you. Just like in sailing when the wind shifts or the current changes in business you need to be cognizant of the ever changing environment and take advantage of the changes to further distance yourself from your competitors. Often it is not easy, but you have to look at it as running a marathon, not sprinting a 100 yard dash. Those who can pace themselves can win the race, just as in sailing, I have seen many competitors come from back in the pack in a race by taking advantage of subtle shifts in the winds and currents. Business is no different.

The greatest example I can share with you is when I had the inspiration in 2004 to create an innovative, transparent and unique company in the financial industry. My inspiration was to build something that had never been built yet was desired in the market place.

  • Was it daunting, absolutely.
  • Did I face naysayers, more than I even want to remember.
  • Was the timing right, for my concept yes but in hind sight, we were on the cusp of a financial market crisis so from the outside it certainly could have been better.
  • Did I allow any of these factors to inhibit my inspiration, absolutely not.

Why? Because I could see what was needed in the market place. My inspiration was purely driven by executives sharing what they wished was available. When you can solve a problem in a sustainable and unique fashion, you have a lasting business.

Being inspired can be viewed as one of the greatest wonders in the world because most art form, amazing structures, innovative inventions and modern improvements in society all started with a pure form of inspiration. Remember, before you can invent something or create something one must be inspired. Get inspired and then take action.

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