Holding Steady with Investments Despite Continuing COVID-related Market Volatility

The world, and the markets, have changed. You may find yourself adapting to different economic and market changes for a new definition of value. Quality is still a prime focus that looks to companies with solid management, financials, and competitive advantage for answers. Your organization and the companies you invest in must have the ability […]

Balancing Record-breaking Cash Injections with Debt

During 2020, “Cash hoards swelled … after companies issued record-breaking amounts of debt to bolster their balance sheets against the Covid-19 pandemic’s disruptions … US companies had sold more than $2 trillion of investment-grade and high-yield bonds … At the same time, many cut share repurchases, dividends or capital expenditures.” – The Wall Street Journal We […]

Investing in Sustainable Infrastructure: Well-designed Hulls and Sails for a Stronger Boat and a Better Future

Investing in infrastructure is essential for the future as the world is faced with limited natural resources, a growing population, and a steadily rising movement of people, goods, and commodities. At the core is a need to invent new technologies to make our resources last. The initiative will be expensive, and long-term investments have incredible […]

Endowments Use Hedge Fund Investing to “Improve Lane Position”

As an organization, you face unique challenges in managing your investments, particularly when it comes to meeting mandatory spending requirements. Other institutions can reduce spending during economic downturns, but your foundation may have less flexibility. You may even be forced to withdraw assets that could significantly hinder the achievement of your long-term investment objectives and […]

Endowment Investment Strategies Require a “Seasoned Helmsman to Control the Boat.”

It’s been a dreadful year for many colleges due to COVID-19. During the 2020-2021 academic year, enrollment was down, along with room, board, parking, and other revenues. Depending on the state of your endowment, previous negative financial trends may have accelerated into bigger problems. Mergers in educational institutions have been on the rise, such as […]

A Quick Discussion on Market Color – Economic Influences on Taxes, SPAC Valuations, and Supply Chains

Investment profits drift as individual securities in your portfolio appreciate or depreciate and veer away from their original allocations over time. A combination of things will lead to this scenario. Most recently, the delayed tax filing date and unexpected tax gain payments may be one of the culprits as it is linked to market activity. […]

How World Champion Sailing Techniques Can Help Your Business Chart A Successful Course

A few years ago, (July 2015 to be exact) I sat down with Forbes contributor, Kevin Harrington, to answer a few questions on how World Champion sailing techniques can help your business chart a successful course. Given the recent effects of the Pandemic on the Global Economy and how leaders and executives are having to […]

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